Helge Meier-Siems was born in Bremen, nothern Germany in 1981. He pursued his first professional training as a advertising technician and in the following he passed another training as a media designer.
His artistic expressions primarily revolve around photography and digital art, often blurring the lines between the two. He partly endeavors to combine profound themes with vibrant designs or in photographic form. However, true art always arises within the mind of the observer and inspiring this, is seen by Helge Meier-Siems as both, a great gift and a challenge in his work.
Over time, Helge Meier-Siems has showcased selected works and photographs in various exhibitions in Hamburg. Additional exhibitions followed, including ones organized by Artrocksdesign in Montreal, New York, and Frankfurt. Currently, Helge Meier-Siems lives and works as a freelance artist & graphic designer
in Hamburg, Germany.